Common architecture
Research project

Research project on the role of architecture in the construction of the commons and in the support for commoning.

Collection of situations/conditions and case studies, investigated through lectures, publications, workshops and debates.


Seminar Series :  
Common architecture in the condition of the interior, 2020

︎ O jardim como forma política: Por uma metodologia de projeto alternativa
Palestra por / Lecture by: Olívia Marra (Architectural Association e ESALA University of Edinburgh, PhD AA)Em conversa com / In conversation with: Juliana Sicuro

︎ Frameworks of Uncertainty: Control and Change in the Architecture of Cedric Price and Arata Isozaki
Palestra por / Lecture by: Marcela Araguez (IE University in Madrid-Segovia, PhD The Bartlett) Em conversa com / In conversation with: Pedro Varella

︎ A arquitura pública na França no pós-guerra
Palestra por / Lecture by: Vanessa Grossman (TU Delft, PhD Princeton).Em conversa com / In conversation with: Cauê Capillé